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Purifics Complete Water Purification
Purifics was founded in 1993 to advance water purification technology to resolve difficult and demanding challenges. The primary focus was the production of high purity water for reuse in the nuclear industry, using ceramic membrane technology. These advancements were subsequently rolled out into Industrial and Municipal markets.

Photo catalytic AOP+
​Purifics’ unique AOP+ process purifies contaminants that other AOP processes cannot through chemical free, multi-barrier innovations with multiple destruction pathways and the strongest oxidation potential. AOP+ eliminates hydroxyl radical dependency and reduces CapEx and OpEx cost structures, making it the most advanced AOP process in the world.

Technology That Transforms Water
Powered By Innovation, Driven By Sustainability
Better Water At Lower Cost.
Complete FDR Solutions
Purifics' established Filter, Destroy and Recover (FDR) approach purifies water from source to end use, producing better water at lower cost in municipal, industrial and reuse markets.

Highest Capacity
Membrane Modules in the World
Purifics has been refining ceramic membrane technology for 30 years. These refinements have advanced ceramic membrane (5th Generation) and process technologies to provide economical and environmental benefits, complexity reduction, long life and superior performance.

Complexity Reduction
The FDR approach is complemented by having reduced complexity, lower CapEx & OpEx, eliminates treatment train processes (the platform is the plant) and reduces system footprint by >50%. The system is automated with remote control, data logging and video. It reduces overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Global Markets Served
Purifics can help resolve your water and fluid challenges by:
1. Diagnosing the problem
2. Demonstrating and verifying the solution
3. Deploying the complete water purification solution

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